Veronika Schlehuber

Veronika Schlehuber

geb. Kr?mling
* 25.07.1927
† 27.07.2019
Erstellt von Trauer36 Redaktion
Angelegt am 31.07.2019
1.113 Besuche


Neueste Einträge (8)


vom 07.09.2019


Familie Cope - Eric, Ilona, Charlie, Julia

Entzündet am 03.08.2019 um 23:05 Uhr

Liebe Familie, mit herzlichem Beileid und großem Trauer zünden wir diese Kerze an. Veronika war eine besondere Person und beliebte Tante, die sich immer mit fröhlicher Laune, Verve, und Humor verhalten hat. Wir waren dankbar für die Gelegenheit, sie vor kurzem ein letztes Mal besuchen zu dürfen. Veronika wird immer in unseren Herzen und Erinnerungen bleiben.



Entzündet am 02.08.2019 um 16:44 Uhr

Du warst für mich die beste Schwiegermutter. 

Mögen Engel Dich jetzt begleiten.

Alles Liebe - Du wirst mir sehr fehlen.



Entzündet am 01.08.2019 um 22:17 Uhr

I'm not quite sure what to say.. It is strange to think that you are no longer with us when you always have been. I have always visited Germany looking forward to seeing you and Opa and now things are different. But I feel like I have you with me in a different way and that you will now be looking down over me like the angels that have always looked over you.. I haven't quite fathomed how much I am going to miss you yet as I can't quite believe it... But know how much I love you and know that I will be thinking of you when I look up to the stars.



Entzündet am 01.08.2019 um 22:04 Uhr

I was glad to finally talk to you over the phone before I left the house. I didn't realise it would be the last but I'm glad I was able to talk to you in good health. I saw you for the last time today and although it was different, you seemed at peace with the world. Rest in peace for you're now in a much better place where no more pain can come towards you. I will always love you.

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